Saturday, November 21, 2009

Headboard progress

So here is the latest progress on the headboard. I have laminated 3 boards together for a total thickness of 2". I did not think using the band saw to cut it out was going to be such a challenge, but turned out the size and shape kept interfering with the band saw body. Since I was limited to marking on only one side of the work, I had to be bit creative to make the cuts. I also salvaged some of the pieces to glue to the top. Now my wife is debating on the size of the tip/point, which it fine since I have not cut that to size yet.

My next move is to finalize the shape of the bottom side and match the beading on my foot board. I have not found a router bit that has that shape, so again I will have to get creative. I think I will have to permanently modify my round over bit by removing the bearing, grinding the bearing land off, and use an overhead pin on the router table. The beading is 3 steps and looks semi-hand carved. Somehow I get it to work.

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